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John McCalmont

John made his first fifty cents at a very young age using his voice to call the front office at his middle school to sound like a dad and get early releases for kids in exchange for their lunch money, and the rest is history!

With a love of all outdoors and anything mechanical, you can often find him fly fishing for tarpon, barbecuing in his backyard or racing his 1000hp Cadillac, and after that he will solve the world's problems over a cigar and scotch.

John has long been considered the voice of the working man because he loves to get his hands dirty and understands the language. But don't let that fool you - he has voiced for most of the Fortune 500 companies, all the networks, Presidents, journalists, Broadway, movies, TV shows and even a purple bear that played the drums!

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    All Out - TOMI

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    Fairy Tail Jiemma

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    Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Tohru's Father

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