Main 2019 headshot

Courtenay Taylor

Psychotic biotic? Check. Wasteland wanderer? Check. Elusive spy? Check and check! That’s right -- Jack from Mass Effect, the Sole Survivor in Fallout 4 and Resident Evil 6’s Ada Wong all share the same vocal cords…that of actor Courtenay Taylor!

She’s voiced countless roles in 175+ video games: Caiatl & Amanda Holliday/Destiny 2, Juhani/Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Serina in Halo Wars as well as major roles in Diablo 4, Call of Duty, and the DC and Marvel franchises. You’ve heard her as the Matron of Ravens on Critical Role’s “The Legend of Vox Machina”, KO from Cartoon Network’s “OK KO! Let’s Be Heroes!”, Starla on Regular Show and shows like American Dad, Family Guy, and X-Men ’97.

She is a voice director working on AAA game titles and is the co-founder of NerdsVote – a nonpartisan organization that brings voter registration opportunities to pop culture conventions around the country, so get registered and hit her up for some swag!

IG: @CourtenayTaylorLA
All socials: @NerdsVote

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